EN Welcome to Garoza Elementary Scool Eco Garden Club Blog!

 Dear Young Gardeners at Garoza Elementary School, their supporters and everybody having a green thumb,

Welcome to our School EcoGarden blog!

While gathering for the first opening ceremony of our school year on September 1, you probably had noticed that the autumn flowers and herbs were flourishing in our school garden. Raspberries, apples, and vegetables were ripening for us to taste. There were red tomatoes in our greenhouse and also sweet pepper to serve in a salad or on a slice of bread.

By the kind support and initiative of our school principal, Dina, the technical workers, and our kind neighbour and supporter Arnolds Gross from the nearest farm 'Bētras', a school orchard and vegetable garden had been made. Besides that, a greenhouse had been built, too.

Our gratefulness to the technical workers Nellija, Sarmīte, and Armands for planting and watering plants in our garden all the summer through. A huge work was done before we could start gathering the harvest which is the brightest part of the process of gardening.

It is February now. Although all the ground is under a huge layer of snow, the gardening has already begun. From our gardening lessons face to face, you remember that the seeds have to be planted already at the end of January and at the beginning of February. Unfortunately, due to lockdown, we are not able to visit the school and do the work of sowing and watering the plants, but we can summarise our findings, plan the spring work, share our advice, and inspire each other.

Let's work together and stay as people with a green thumb - positive, collaborating, and cooperating.

Teachers Solveiga and Liene



  1. i like gardening but i like to do it on my own. ;)

  2. This club is very active , and i think it's very good for becoming patient . I think this cub is worth the time !

  3. I sometimes help my mother with gardening , mostly only in summer !

  4. Im invisible :) And i sometimes helping my mother with garden

  5. Es pareizajā vietā rakstu?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Please, remember about the Netiquette.
    Form 5, these are blog comments. It means - everybody who has got the link, can read and see them.
    The comment in a blog is not the same as a chat or an SMS to Your friend or a group of them. Let us use the Cap letters where necessary. Let us think twice, before publishing our comments. I suppose, we can manage this.
    Remember, my dear, an exercise in the Activity Book, an e-mail to a teacher, composition, post- card, a friendly letter to somebody or a formal letter are the pieces of writing wher we should remember about the formal language!

  8. Lūdzu, atcerieties par netiķeti! 5.klase, šie ir bloga komentāri. Tas nozīmē, ka katrs, kuram ir saite uzšo blogu, var tos lasīt. Bloga komentārs nav gluži tas pats, kas ieraksts čatā vai īsziņa draugam vai Jūsu draugu grupai. Lietosim lielos šakuma burtus, pieturzīmes, kur tās nepieciešamas. Padomāsim divreiz, pirms publicēsim kādu komentāru! Es ticu, ka mēs kopā to varam.
    Mīļie, atcerieties - 'vingrinājums darba burtnīcā, e-pasts skolotājai, sacerējums, pastkarte, draudzīga vēstule ir rakstu darbi, kuri rakstāmi literārajā valodā. Arī sarunvaloda un draudzīga valoda var būt literāra.


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